Sometimes It Pays to be Irresponsible
A Coaching Story

I Want to be Responsible

That is the reason she gave
For not speaking up in a staff meeting.

"I want to be Responsible for what I say.
That is also why people wonder
Why I appear to have difficulty getting words out.
I do not want to say anything irresponsible
So I am slow speaking
Because I am measuring every word
So as to not mislead people."

She was shocked at my response.
"That is an irresponsible thing to do"

I explained.
95% of the people you talk to
Are unskilled listeners.
They have never taken a skill course
So they do not know the fundamentals.
They do not hear what you actually say.
They hear what they think you say.

It is worse than that.
They each listen from individual motivations.

Action oriented people focus on your slow speech.
They just want to do something, not listen.
Consensus builders are wondering what others think,
About what you are saying.
Information people are worried they will not understand you
Information is not being presented clearly.
Structured people listen for logical presentation.
They are frustrated with faltering thoughts.

What do you need to do
To be responsible?



Additional Coaching Stories:

Sometimes It Pays to be Irresponsible

My Job is to Force You to Perform

I Get Frustrated When My Staff Gives Me Too Much Information

Eliminating a Stutter Put Me Back on the Fast Track

How Authority Affects Our Careers

The Outcome of Our Conversations Depends on Our Objective

How to Respond to "Shut Up and Listen to Me."

Presenting to Senior Executives Made Easy

To order "Be Your Own Executive Coach":
Chandler House Press

©2002 Peter deLisser. All rights reserved.